Rohm Referencedesigns

REF66011 - Reference Design

High voltage PTC heating Reference Design

In electric vehicles that do not produce engine waste heat, by using a PTC heater as a heating heat source and quickly bringing the temperature to the appropriate temperature, it is possible to instantly improve driving stability and cabin comfort. It is also used as a safe discharge circuit for high voltage batteries. This reference design uses a 1200V 40A IGBT (RGS80TSX2DHR) to turn on/off the PTC element.

Collaboration board with Intron Technology

Intron Technology Holdings Limited, a fast-growing automotive electronics solutions provider in China. We focus on providing solutions targeting critical automotive electronic components applied in new energy, body control, safety and powertrain systems. We utilize our research and development and engineering capabilities to provide solutions incorporating advanced semiconductor devices to help OEMs achieve industry leading performance.



Board Number Grade Input Voltage (LV) Input Voltage (HV) Output Power Board Size
REF66011_PCB Automotive 9V to 16V 250V to 470V 7kW 120mm x 90mm

Distribution Inventory

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Key Components

Board Number Product Category Part Number Datasheet Status SPICE LTspice® ? Thermal Model Symbol & Footprint 3D STEP Samacsys ECAD Library Calc Tool ROHM Solution Simulator
REF66011_PCB Field Stop Trench IGBT RGS80TSX2DHR - Recommended - - - Solution Simulator